3 Proposal Settings That You Can Use For Your Proposal

One of the most tricky part of preparing a proposal is planning how to bring your girl to the location that you’ve in mind unsuspectingly. As much as you want to let the cat out of the bag, you absolutely don’t want to ruin this magical surprise for her. Remember, a girl’s sixth sense is strong!

So how can you bring her on a trip down memory lane, without her knowing the day before? Below are some of the scenarios that you can use to set the mood and then lead her to your desired location!

  1. Scavenger Hunt

This is one interesting way to make your proposal exciting. Lead her on to believing that it is a normal date. You can plan to go anywhere with her (it doesn’t matter).

Strategically, put the first hint somewhere she is most likely to see. It should preferably be near her house as you don’t want her to walk too far off and miss the first hint which spoils the fun. If possible, you should keep mum and let her spot the first hint herself.

We recommend you to plan at least 3 spots to increase the suspense and excitement. But remember, the more spots you put, the longer she will take to reach you. Be sure to account for the time spent at each spot.

Here are some ideas for the hunt:

  • Lead her back to the places that hold memories of both of you (eg. where you first met, restaurant of your first date)
  • Place handwritten letter(s) at hunt location(s) for her to find and read on the way to you
  • A puzzle piece to collect at every hunt location

2. “Friends” Outing

One of the most common and unsuspecting ways for you to propose to her is to engage the help of her friends! It gives you a source for feedback as you have spy(s) to watch her every move, so that you can prepare when she’s nearing!

Get her friends to bring her out on a normal “girl pal” date. Ideally, the date should be somewhere near your proposal location. Allow some time for them to have their “date” before luring her to the proposal location. This way, she will believe that it’s just a normal day out with her friends.

Some things to note:

  • Choose the friends to bring her out carefully. It is important to pick those friends who are good at acting normal or will not get overly excited about the plan. They should not do things out of the norm. You don’t want them to accidentally ruin your plan!
  • One of the most common surprise breakers I’ve heard is being spotted. Remember to pre-communicate the path that her friends will be taking in case they can’t text you on the day itself. If you’re getting some help from your friends, remember to inform them to steer clear of the agreed path too. Even that means parking your vehicles somewhere further.

3. A “Normal” Date

Another variation to the friend’s outing is for you to bring her to the location yourself. Expect that you would need to engage your friends, family members or styling vendor to help you out with the decor (you will have to put your 100% trust in them to work the magic for you!)

This is suitable for you if you’re intending to propose to her on a special date that she already knows of (eg. anniversary, birthday).

The good thing about this is that you are able to control the situation. You can choose to lure her out by planning a “dinner date” or you can blindfold her from her place to the proposal location. Sweet and simple.

What you can do:

  • Get her an outfit to wear on this special day to add an element of significance
  • Set aside time for the decor to be done and allow some buffer time in between the completion and your arrival. We know our friends can be playful sometimes and overlook the time. The last thing we want is to be unprepared.
  • Remember to pre-communicate the path to your friends/family members that you are planning to take in case you can’t text your friends on that day itself. Inform them to steer clear of the agreed path so that she won’t bump into them along the way. Even that means parking your vehicles somewhere further.

There you have it! 3 simple ways to stage your proposal scene to divert her attention. If you haven’t plan on where to purpose at or have no idea where to start, fret not! Visit our guide on how to understand her dream proposal venue by clicking here. Congratulations! You’re halfway through you proposal planning.


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3 Proposal Settings That You Can Use For Your Proposal

3 Proposal Settings That You Can Use For Your Proposal



3 Proposal Settings That You Can Use For Your Proposal


3 Proposal Settings That You Can Use For Your Proposal


3 Proposal Settings That You Can Use For Your Proposal

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3 Proposal Settings That You Can Use For Your Proposal